Congratulations to Mr. Stanley Yim - Chairman of S.A.S. GROUP received the “Outstanding Achievement Award” from the Hong Kong Electronics Industry Council (HKEIC)
In celebrating the 30th Anniversary, HKEIC organised the Dinner on 13 April 2018 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, with Mr. Nicholas Yang, GBS, JP, Secretary for Innovation & Technology of the HKSAR, as the Guest-of-Honour, witnessed this significant milestone of HKEIC, as well as to make new acquaintances. During the Dinner, HKEIC also presented the”Outstanding Achievement Award” to 10 awardess who have made outstanding achievements and contributions to Hong Kong electronics industry and the community. The objectives are to recognize those who have distinguished contribution to the electronic industry, to set up examples to the younger generation and to encourage them to further contribute their expertise to the territory’s economic development.